Friday, September 7, 2012

Today was another interesting day in France. So I started real school yesterday and it was kind of a big pile of merde. At first I was cool because I made some friends but then my French teacher kept yelling at us and I didn't know what she was saying I just know she was really pissed. So that was cool, but today was awesome. First of all because on Fridays I don't start school until 12 o'clock! It is the best and I had English class today. It was hella easy (luckily). I felt cool because it was probably my only class that I actually understood what was going on. I also went Thionville today. It was kind of one of the coolest things I have seen. There were cafés everywhere and cobblestone roads, only for pedestrians, and shops, and restaurants, and everything was amazing there. I can't wait to go there at the end of the month to see my fellow inbounds! Well yeah. School kind of sucks but my family is amazing so it's okay.

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