Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This is my blog for France now. I hope it works. So today was my first day of school. It was a bit hard but I got it. I am super happy I am here but I miss being able to understand what everyone around me is saying. On the plus side I LOVE the food here. Every meal I have had is made at home and is delicious. My town is very small and just like you would see in an old French movie. Cobblestone roads, a bakery in the middle of the town, a river flowing through the town, oh yeah, and did I mention a huge castle! I am super glad to be here and can't wait for more adventures.

1 comment:

  1. How Great!!!!
    I went onto Google earth and looked up you town. I was able to take a little tour and find all the outdoor locations you took photos at and posted on your fb account. I saw the castle, the river and your home. The country side there looks beautiful.
