Thursday, September 13, 2012

I have a friend. It is quite exciting. Her name is Sara and yep. So school is getting better and better each day! My best class is English and I think I have an A, which is good. My hardest class is probably German because I have never taken German so... yeah. Tomorrow is Friday! And every Friday I begin school at 12. Jealous? My French comprehension is also getting better and I am speaking more and more everyday! I am particularly excited for tomorrow because Alissia is coming!!!!! Yeah! She is staying over and I can't wait! She lives in Belgium and is visiting me before she goes to college. So that's cool. I also went to Luxembourg the other day. That was cool it was cool to know that one house it Luxembourg already has twice the history of my home country. Yep everything is great!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why I keep making comments and they don't appear. Hoping this one does. Glad to hear it's getting better. And happy to hear you have a new friend and will get a visit soon. Keep writing Katelin!
