Wednesday, November 21, 2012

It is my first week without Anna and it is going fine. But I am very stressed about school. There is a controle that we take home and I don't understand any of it and I am scared that I am going to fail the class and be in a bad place for senior year. It sucks when you can't understand a single word of your homework even after you have translated it. So yeah not the best feeling in the world right know.


  1. I hear you! It is a horrible feeling. Get some help. You're so smart you will get through it.

  2. Hi Sweetheart!

    NEVER FEAR!!!! No matter how you do, EVERYONE will be blown away by your courage in going abroad as a JUNIOR in high school. I couldn't understand most of what they said in my classes in France, even after I'd had 4 years of high school and 2.5 years of college French. DO NOT WORRY!!!! It is a waste of time, my sweet. You will be fine! Trust me on this.


    Mrs. G (as in Guptill)
