Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Weeks 2 - 4

I have now been in Australia for over 4 weeks and I am loving it more and more everyday. I have been working my through the city and am getting more and more acquainted each day.

One thing I regretted about my time in France was that I was afraid to get involved and join clubs. I am no longer afraid to get involved with what I enjoy. I joined the performing arts society last week and I am now the current secretary of the club. I am also to help run a thing called a sausage sizzle which has been explained to me as a fundraiser where you sell cheap hot dogs with pieces of wonder bread In place of a bun.

I also have started to participate in this mock trial like competitions for lawyers in training. I am a client with a set of facts and each week I am interviewed by a pair of lawyers who try to asses my situation and extract facts from their client. It has given me many flashbacks to my Mock Trial days and all the fun we had.

I have also started classes at my university, ACU (Australian Catholic University). So far it is a pretty light work load, however I am taking a level 200 3D art class which has been proven to be quite time consuming. The class, however time consuming, also has reinvigorated my love of art and its many facets. I have bought a sketchbook and has been doodling non stop.

Another interesting adventure I had was going to the city casino. I have never gambled before but the atmosphere in the casino was unlike anything I have felt. When I got home I immediately watched each of the Ocean's movies. I decided to stick to black jack and won a large amount of $25.

I also happened across a bar that sold PBR, which was quite a surprise. And I am just going to say that I think that PBR is the worst beer ever. Over the weekend I also has my first taste of Sake which I am just going to say taste a little bit like cloudy water. Hot cloudy water. It wasn't unbearable but it wasn't the most enjoyable experience. I think it got worse with every drink.

Between my first sake and my first footy (Australian football) this has been a few good week.
Overall I have had a blast and I am eager to continue my journey.

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