Sunday, December 30, 2012

Just finished with a vacation to the North of France and finished with Christmas. It was different. People eat to much friggin chocolate I think I am going to die. Met the host families family. Super nice but kind of awkward. Because I said Hey how are you I am the replacement daughter hows it going. A bit bizzare but pretty nice. Went to the Louvre, not the the real one but the younger red-headed cousin look-a-like of the Louvre in the north. I am having some feelings about missing my friends and family in america, but I can get through this. So pretty good vacation so far can't wait for the rest.

btw. I have an irrational fear of becoming a hobo.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This week was quite eventful. It was the holiday of Saint Nicholas. It's like Christmas but different. The story, I think, is that some butcher captured these kids and chopped them into little pieces. And then Saint Nicholas came and saved the three children and turned the butcher into bad santa, Pere Fouettard. And if you are a bad kid he hits you with a stick. harsh. So that was cool and we went to this church and we sang the same song 60 times and broke a world record. It was so long. And I felt like my arms were going to fall off because I was holding a banner. It was so cool but really long. And last piece of info is that I didn't have school on Friday because of the snow!! It was wonderful!